Learn IT, Girl!
Details - It is an international mentorship program that helps women to learn a new programming language by doing an awesome opensource project!

-Website -

-Eligibility -
* Anyone with experience and knowledge about any one or more programming language.
* Should be proficient in speaking english.
* Can take mentees doubts and resolve them
* If possible can provide mentees with project ideas and resources.

-Application -
* Registration starts in early February (almost every year)
* Event starts from March,11 till June,16.
* Their is mid evaluation also scheduled in between the course.

-Program Duration - 3 months (as per 4th edition of this program)

-Application Steps-
* It take approx an hour to complete application so that we can get an knowledge abour your experience and technical skills.

Resources for Preparation -
Linux Foundation Mentorship Program
Details -
The Linux Foundation Mentorship Program is designed to help developers — many of whom are first-time open source contributors — with necessary skills and resources to learn, experiment, and contribute effectively to open source communities.
By participating in a mentorship program, mentees have the opportunity to learn from experienced open source contributors as a segue to get internship and job opportunities upon graduation.

Website -

Eligibility -
* * *

Application Date-

**Spring Term: March 1st – May 31st**
* mentorships available on LFX Mentorship: Jan 15th, 2021
* applications open: Jan 15th – Feb 12th (4 weeks)

**Summer Term: June 1st – August 31st**
* mentorships available on LFX Mentorship: April 15th, 2021
* applications open: April 15th – May 14th (4 weeks)

**Fall Term: September 1st – Nov 30th** * mentorships available on LFX Mentorship: July 15th, 2021
* applications open: July 15th – August 12th (4 weeks)

Application Steps-

Resources for Preparation -